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Fundraiser: The Idea


"Global capitalism is nearly there. At the end of the world there will only be liquid advertisement and gaseous desire. Sublimated from our bodies, our untethered senses will endlessly ride escalators through pristine artificial environments, more and less than human, drugged-up and drugged down, catalysed, consuming and consumed by a relentlessly rich economy of sensory information, valued by the pixel. The Virtual Plaza welcomes you, and you will welcome it too."

This is the description of the r/Vaporwave subreddit taken from

Vaporwave is a movement, like all other art forms. It is a movement that tries to throw hands with the idea of how ghosts are commodified in the late stage capitalist society. Music and nostalgia inducing artwork are the ethos and aesthetics of the movement.

Hi, I am Spandan 'Prof. Icy' Saha and I am the mastermind behind the project named: Aesthetic Wave Internet Radio. It is an online radio/audio based entertainment provider.  

I have always appreciated music and philosophy so I came up with the idea to create this project so that I can set up an internet radio station and make people even more aware of the beauty of vaporwave/synthwave music and philosophy. 

Just like vaporwave defies over commodification of everything and I as a socialist myself thought of creating this project so that I can not only start a radio but also a bedroom recording studio so that underappreciated artists from my town can have a chance to showcase their talents, that too for free! Yes, as a kid who had his head full of dreams to be a rapper, I can relate to the struggling artists.

However, this project is costly and this is a call for help from you good people. I am in need for financial support to initiate this venture. In the following pages I shall elaborate more on the project and would be immensely grateful for the help that would be forwarded for this project. 

Thank You.
From- The Aesthetician: Spandan 'Prof. Icy' Saha


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Fundraiser: The Idea(expanded)

  As a continuation from my last thread, in this section I shall explain the complete project in detail. 1. This project is basically a way to create vaporwave-awareness, as I call it, along with spreading the correct notions of philosophy among people in bite sized chunks. India barely has any association with the culture of vaporwave, therefore it is a good time to introduce people to this obscure genre. 2. Due to the massive insurgence in far right government, people have been brainwashed and gaslighted to believe in pseudo-philosophy as actual philosophy. As a mathematician and a huge philosophy enthusiast it is extremely sickening  for  me, to see the people failing to see the erroneous, and sometimes downright evil things that are being fed to them. So, it is, as a dedicated socialist, my attempt to reintroduce the actual philosophical ideas that the right wing has deconsecrated and help people do the thinking for themselves. Vaporwave is a sort of counterculture of the 21st cent